ASP Distinguished Postdoctoral Career Guidance and Lecture Series
The ASP Distinguished Postdoctoral Career Guidance and Lecture Series is one of the career development services EdEC provides to postdoctoral fellows at NSF NCAR. Every year, three Distinguished Lecturers are selected by the postdocs and invited together to NSF NCAR for a 2-day visit to spend time with them and other early-career scientists at NSF NCAR. While at NSF NCAR, Distinguished Lecturers:
- Present a formal talk about their work.
- Present an informal talk about career path, choices, story.
- Conduct limited amount of short research discussions with individual postdocs
- Meet with postdocs to provide career advice, and offer their perspectives on scientific trends and priorities
- Participate in a panel discussion with other Distinguished Lecturers about career development
DLS Goals
- Provide postdocs with opportunities to learn about different career paths
- Provide postdocs with opportunities to network with world-class scientists
- Provide postdocs with opportunities to receive advice and perspectives about career decisions
2024 Series - April 16-17
We are pleased to welcome three leaders in the Earth system sciences who will spend time with the postdocs and each present a distinguished lecture. All staff are welcome to the lectures. Lectures will be streamed live but not recorded.
Day 1
My Science Journey
Drs. Alex Guenther, Rei Ueyama, and Becky Adams-Selin
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM, Mesa Lab Main Seminar Room
Dr. Alex Guenther, University of California, Irvine
Urban and Agricultural Biogenic VOC Emissions and their Impact on Air Quality
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM, Mesa Lab Main Seminar Room
Dr. Rei Ueyama, NASA Ames Research Center
Impact of Convection on Clouds, Composition and Dynamics in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Mesa Lab Main Seminar Room
Day 2
Dr. Rebecca Adams-Selin, Atmospheric and Environmental Research
The $15 Billion Question: How Does a Storm Produce Hailstones?
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM, Mesa Lab Main Seminar Room
Career guidance panel discussion
Drs. Alex Guenther, Rei Ueyama, and Becky Adams-Selin
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM, Mesa Lab Main Seminar Room