What We Do

Spend time at our laboratories, collaborate with our sciences, and learn about Earth system science.

We provide a wide range of opportunities for various audiences to engage in community through public events and research partnerships, develop skills in Earth system sciences with internships, and advance careers through fellowships and professional development.

Select an academic level or audience type from the dropdown menu and then click the "View Selection" button to explore how you can get involved.

ACOM Cicerone Fellowship

The Ralph Cicerone Fellowship in atmospheric chemistry and Earth system science is designed to promote and support graduate student research through mentoring and training. These students will come for four months over a two year period to work with scientists in the Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling (ACOM) lab on a self-defined project.

ASP Colloquia

ASP hosts an annual colloquium exploring subjects that represent new or rapidly developing areas of research. The colloquium brings together lecturers and graduate students to NSF NCAR for two weeks for classroom presentations, instruction and interaction.

ASP Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

The postdoctoral fellowship program provides an opportunity for recent Ph.D. scientists to continue to pursue their research interests in atmospheric and related science. The program also invites postdoctorates from a variety of disciplines to apply their training to research in the atmospheric sciences.

Career Development for Postdocs

Postdoctoral fellows can participate in regular professional development workshops and events throughout the year, which are led by NSF NCAR scientists and staff, and faculty from our university community.

CISL Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Science

Our SIParCS program, run by the Computational & Information Systems Laboratory (CISL), offers students the opportunity to gain significant hands-on experience in high-performance computing and related fields that use HPC for scientific discovery and modeling.

CPAESS Discovery Seminars

Learn about the science and research undertaken by Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS) scientists.


Students participate in an expedition aboard NOAA's Okeanos Explorer, the Nation’s only federal vessel dedicated to ocean exploration. The ship is equipped with advanced tools that support systematic exploration of unknown ocean regions. 

Early Career Faculty Innovators Program

The Early Career Faculty Innovator program supports social science faculty and grad students collaborating with NSF NCAR scientists on interdisciplinary research. 

Early Career Scientist Assembly

The ECSA represents the interests of early-career scientists, voicing concerns, solutions, and successes from early-career scientists to NSF NCAR and UCAR management to guide institutional policies.

Early Career Training

We offer unique and comprehensive training opportunities for emerging scientists at NSF NCAR and UCAR to cultivate their abilities. Explore these training opportunities.

Educational Services and Support at Unidata

Unidata offers robust learning experiences for unique needs on demand and by request.

EOL Summer Undergraduate Program for Engineering Research

SUPER, based in our Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL), provides unique experiences that help prepare engineering students for successful careers. Interns help develop new instrumentation and improve our existing suite of lower atmosphere observing facilities.

EOL's Technical Internship Program

The Earth Observing Laboratory's Technical Internship Program (TIP) provides unique experiences to prepare science and engineering/technical support focused students from two-year colleges and vocational/technical institutions for successful careers.

Explore the Sun-Earth Connection

NASA's Living With a Star Program (LWS) and UCAR Community Programs' Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS) partner to host the Heliophysics Summer School for grad students and early postdocs, and also offer the Jack-Eddy Postdoc Fellowship for early career PhD's to perform cross-disciplinary research under experienced scientist mentors at U.S. Institutions. 

GEO REU Community

Find tips, tools, and support for managing a Research Experience for Undergraduate internships at your home institution.

Graduate Visitor Program

The ASP Graduate Visitor Program is designed to provide NSF NCAR staff opportunities to bring graduate students to NSF NCAR for 3 to 12-month collaborative visits with the endorsement of their thesis advisors and in pursuit of their thesis research.

HAO Postdoctoral Fellowships

NSF NCAR's High Altitude Observatory offers two-year postdoctoral fellowships to early career Ph.D. scientists interested in theoretical, experimental, and observational studies of the Sun and Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Heliophysics Summer School

This one-week training, which is part of NASA's Living With a Star program, focuses on the physics of space weather events that start at the Sun and influence atmospheres, ionospheres, and magnetospheres throughout the solar system. 

Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowship

This two-year program matches early career PhDs with experienced scientists at U.S. research institutions with the goal of training the next generation of heliophysicists.


MetEd, from COMET, is a free collection of hundreds of training resources intended for the geoscience community. Whether you're an experienced meteorologist honing existing skills or a student looking for new geoscience topics of interest, we have something for you.

Najeeb E. Halaby Graduate Student Fellowship

This fellowship, offered by NSF NCAR's Research Applications Laboratory (RAL), allows a student to spend three months in residence with RAL's Aviation Weather Research Program and is designed to help shape the next generation of researchers in this important field.

Newkirk Fellowship

This fellowships allows students to work with guidance from scientists and engineers at NSF NCAR's High Altitude Observatory (HAO) on projects related to their thesis, qualifying exams, or other research projects.

NOAA Climate & Global Change Postdoctoral Program

This CPAESS postdoctoral programs aims to create and train the next generation of leading researchers needed for climate studies. The program focuses on observing, understanding, modeling, and predicting climate variability and change on seasonal and longer time scales.

NSF NCAR 360 Virtual Visits

Explore NSF NCAR facilities through a 360° virtual platform, including augmented reality.

NSF NCAR Earth System Science Internship

The NSF NCAR Earth System Science Internship (NESSI) offers undergraduate students interested in the Earth system sciences an opportunity to conduct research with NSF NCAR scientists from across all labs on a wide range of topics.

NSF NCAR Explorer Series Lectures

Engage with scientists and learn about the latest research advancements.

NSF NCAR-Supported Field Projects

Follow scientists, engineers, and students into the field to get an inside look at field projects.

Our Resources

EdEC has a number of teacher guides for use in high school and undergraduate classrooms.  Also view resources from UCAR SciEd.

Project-Specific Employment

Specific projects at NCAR and UCAR may have openings for postdocs. Those opportunities are posted on our career portal as they become available.

Research Experience for Undergraduates in Solar and Space Physics

This program gives highly motivated students interested in solar and space physics the opportunity to work with a number of Boulder institutions, including NSF NCAR's High Altitude Observatory.

Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science

Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS) is an undergraduate-to-graduate bridge program designed to broaden participation in the atmospheric and related sciences.

Student Employment

Check our active job postings for paid student positions and internships at both NSF NCAR and UCAR.

Traveling Climate Exhibit

Take a journey through climate change with a visit to the exhibit Real People, Real Climate, Real Changes.

Undergraduate Leadership Workshop

The ULW brings undergrads to NSF NCAR to learn about potential career paths, build a network with their peers, and learn leadership and professional skills.

Unidata Summer Internships

Graduate and upper-level undergraduate interns interact with software developers, instructional designers, technical writers, and other mentors within the Unidata Summer Internship program.

Visit Us

Come by our facilities in Boulder, Colorado or Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Weather Program Office Innovation for Next Generation Scientists Dissertation Fellowship

Gain real-world doctoral experience applying expertise in your field of study to weather model development with the Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) through this Ph.D. dissertation fellowship.