Longmont Museum - A New Era of Extreme Weather Impacts

U.S. Department of Energy
7:00 – 8:30 pm MDT
Our changing climate is evidenced by extreme weather events, such as deadly heatwaves and flooding rains. Although gradual warming of our Earth system may seem small, extreme weather impacts communities across the nation and the world, from those living at sea level, in low income communities, and communities in the paths of devastating hurricanes, with further changes in extreme weather anticipated in the future.
In this NSF NCAR Explorer Series talk, Dr. James Done discusses what we know about our changing extreme weather and how scientists study these changes. He’ll also showcase how ongoing partnerships between science and industry are creating new, usable science and accelerating science discovery. Such partnerships are now more important than ever to confront this new era of extreme weather.
James Done
Dr. James Done is a Senior Willis Fellow and deputy director of the Capacity Center for Climate and Weather Extremes at NSF NCAR’s Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology (MMM) Lab. Dr. Done works with stakeholders from the energy, water, and insurance sectors to understand our changing extreme weather and climate events, as well as their impacts. Examples of recent work include: assessing future hurricane impacts on the offshore energy industry, exploring the value of multi-year climate predictions for water resource and flood risk management, and understanding residential losses during hurricanes. He recently testified before the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on extreme weather and climate change. Dr. Done received his Ph.D. in meteorology from the University of Reading, UK and has been with NSF NCAR for 16 years.