A Guide to Organizing Inclusive Scientific Meetings
Scientific meetings can be invigorating, promote the exchange of ideas, foster new collaborations, and provide opportunities to reconnect with existing colleagues. However, not all scientists have positive experiences when they attend scientific meetings. This document presents some concrete recommendations for how to incorporate inclusion and equity practices into scientific meetings, from the ground up.
Citation: Pendergrass, A., Zelikova, J., Arnott, J., Bain, H., Barnes, R., Baron, J., Dutt, K., Gay-Antaki, M., Haacker, R., Jack-Scott, E., Lauer, A., Morris, A., Morrison, D., Nunez, A.-M., Steltzer, H., Thompson, L. (2019), A Guide to Organizing Inclusive Scientific Meetings, 500 Women Scientists, Available from: https://500womenscientists.