2018 GEO REU Workshop

A GEO REU Workshop

The 2018 GEO REU PI workshop was held at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado from Friday, Sept. 14 to Saturday, Sept. 15. A pre-workshop took place on Thursday, Sept. 13.

This was the fourth GEO REU workshop that brought together PIs and site managers from all REUs funded by the Geosciences Directorate of the National Science Foundation, and colleagues from NOAA, several Minority Serving Institutions, and science societies. This meeting provided an opportunity for sharing strategies and resources, and allowed for community-wide discussions about important issues.  

GEO REU PI Workshop
Fri. Sept. 14, 8:30 a.m. -- Sat. Sept. 15, 8:30 p.m.
NCAR Mesa Lab
1850 Table Mesa Dr.
Boulder, CO 80305

Pre-Workshop: The Key Elements of Running an REU
Thurs. Sept. 13, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
+ dinner out with the group

The one-day pre-workshop on Thursday, Sept. 13th in Boulder, CO, covered the critical elements of running an REU.

  • The REU calendar (a year in an REU)
  • Creating an inclusive application and website
  • Recruiting students to meet your program goals
  • How to select students: a critical aspect of creating a diverse cohort
  • Finding and preparing mentors
  • Supporting REU project design and management
  • An introduction to program evaluation
  • Supporting students beyond the REU: conferences, grad school, and more