Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at EdEC

A scenic view of mountains with a green valley in the foreground

Education, Engagement & Early-Career Development is dedicated to creating an inclusive, welcoming, and creative environment for our staff to thrive and bring their authentic selves to work.  Our current DEI-related goals include:

  • GOAL #1: By January 2025, create welcoming spaces for our team and participants as we grow– including physical and virtual spaces for EdEC Members to collaborate and team-build.
  • GOAL #2: By January 2025, create and protect a realistic and healthy workload for EdEC team members by taking specific action items to disrupt the “sense of urgency” work culture that is present in geoscience.
  • GOAL #3: By January 2025, continue to establish DEIJ as fundamental for EdEC's activities. Grow in new ways by creating new processes for understanding, accountability, psychological safety, and connection.

EdEC Code of Conduct

As a community, we in EdEC agree to:

  • Create an environment where members can bring their authentic selves to EdEC.
  • Acknowledge, empower, promote, encourage, and value all job classes and individuals.
  • Practice active listening and demonstrate a genuine desire to understand.
  • Be supportive and open to multiple ideas and ways of thinking.
  • Be kind and constructive in our feedback.
  • Treat colleagues and visitors with respect and be respectful in words, tone, and body language.
  • Be accountable for unintentional harm.
  • Foster a working environment that encourages reaching out to others for assistance when needed and pitching in when others are in need.
  • Respect workloads of others when planning projects or requesting time.
  • Avoid creating a false sense of urgency with requests and push back or ask for help when encountering false urgency.
  • View missteps in communication as opportunities for growth, learning and curiosity. Everyone makes mistakes!