Uncertainty in climate change research: An integrated approach

July 21, 2014 to August 6, 2014

NCAR - Boulder, Colorado, USA


Chair: Linda O. Mearns (NCAR)

Chris E. Forest (Pennsylvania State University)

Haley J. Fowler (Newcastle University, UK)

Rob Wilby (Loughborough University, UK)


Uncertainty is present in all phases of climate change research from the physical science (e.g., projections of future climate) to the impacts through to the effort to make decisions regarding mitigation and adaptation across different spatial scales. This theme will embrace all aspects of uncertainty in climate change research, providing a pedagogic whole for students, post-docs, and early-career scientists interested in any and all aspects of climate change. One central focus will be the need to understand the strands of uncertainty through-out the climate change problem in order to focus effectively in any one area. We aim to train the next generation of postgraduates in interdisciplinary thinking.