GEO REU Resource Center

REU students in the field


The GEO REU PI Network collaborates to offer resources for running effective STEM REU internships, ensuring students have a meaningful and positive experience:

Students work to install a weather station

  1. The GEO REU Handbook: A Guide for Running Inclusive and Engaging Geoscience Research Internship Programs.  Co-authored by 23 educators in the GEO REU PI community.

    Topics covered include:

    • Inclusive applications
    • Mentoring
    • Cohort-building & orientation
    • Professional development
    • Safe and anti-racist programming
    • Evaluating programs

    See more in the Handbook.

  2. Join the GEO REU PI Listserv for internship managers
  3. The GEO REU Resource Center website materials - see the panel to the right
  4. The 2016 GEO REU PI Workshop content - recorded talks, slides, and more.

Have questions?  If you are a manager of an REU program or other internship please contact us at the GEO REU Network email.

GEO REU Resource Center

GEO REU Handbook

Explore the steps involved in creating and running an engaging and inclusive REU program, or Research Experiences for Undergraduates.

Workshop Series: Elements of a GEO REU

This workshop series is for new GEO REU managers to learn the best practices of running an REU.

Hybrid Learning Resources

Learn about tools and platforms for operating an REU online, interactive teaching tips, online mentoring, virtual cohort building, and virtual poster sessions and symposia.

Virtual Professional Development Resources

Explore materials and workshops for conducting professional development from a distance. Also includes a calendar of events open to all REUs.

Preparing Mentors

How to prepare mentors for mentoring students in science projects.

Team-Building & Orientation Activities

Activities and tools to use in getting students to feel comfortable in their new relationships with peers and mentors.

Participant Code of Conduct

Setting behavioral expectations at the outset of your program is vital. Then participants understand what behavior is expected and which is not accepted, and so that you have guidelines to point back to in the event that an incident occurs.

Résumé Writing for REU Students

Guide students on including their REU experience in their résumé or CV, for example the work experience and the various types of skills learned.

Program Evaluation

Identify the goals of the assessment, develop program evaluations, and get examples and tools for evaluating the program.

Preparing for Conferences

Tips and suggestions on how to prepare for an upcoming scientific conference.

Articles on Undergraduate Research

A collection of papers, posters, and abstracts on topics related to the research experiences for undergraduates.

What is an REU? Information for Students

This resource page is intended to inform students about REUs and other summer research opportunities.

Creating an Inclusive Application

Learn what to include on your REU website, how to create an effective application form, and how to write essay questions that will better inform you about the student.

Recruiting Students

Learn how to prepare a description of your REU, which recruiting strategies to use, and where to post your opportunity online.

NSF Ocean Sciences REU 2020

NCAR Education, Engagement & Early-Career Development (EdEC) is partnering with the NSF Ocean Sciences REU to provide virtual professional development.