Science and Administrative Staff

Contact us at:


Alexandra Ramos Valle

Program Coordinator and Principal Investigator (2024-present)


Auliya McCauley-Hartner

Program Support Specialist


Chris Davis

Principal Investigator (2021-2024)


Rebecca Haacker

Principal Investigator (2019-2021)


Paula Fisher

Senior Administrator


Todd Amodeo



The Core Science Team consists of NCAR scientists that are actively involved with implementing the 2021-2023 Innovator Program. The team ensures that the Innovator Program complements ongoing initiatives and works towards goals set out in the NCAR Strategic Plan. Core Science Team (CST) members assist and mentor (if appropriate) faculty-NCAR research groups. CST membership may change from cohort to cohort in response to changing programmatic research themes.

Chris Davis

Deputy Director, NSF NCAR Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development (EdEC) / NSF NCAR Senior Scientist

Rebecca Morss

Senior Scientist and Deputy Director, Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Lab

Olga Wilhelmi

Project Scientist, Research Applications Lab

Julie Demuth

Project Scientist, Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology

Melissa Moulton

Project Scientist, Climate and Global Dynamics Lab

Forrest Lacey

Project Scientist, Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling Lab

Thomas Hopson

Project Scientist, Research Applications Lab

Heather Lazrus

In memoriam

Dr. Heather Lazrus was an experienced researcher in social and behavioral sciences with a passion for helping communities, particularly Indigenous communities, contribute to the research conversation about climate change and its impacts. Heather was co-Director of the Rising Voices Program for more than a decade. This program developed respectful and meaningful relationships with a network of Indigenous scholars and community representatives to co-create knowledge by combining Western and Indigenous perspectives. Heather’s experience helped numerous PIs and projects in the Innovator Program in both Cohorts 1 and 2 as a collaborator, mentor and Core Science Team member. She was able to see both opportunities for connection among interdisciplinary researchers and had a remarkable skill to help researchers calmly navigate misunderstandings or miscommunications that inevitably arise in interdisciplinary research. Heather succumbed to cancer in early 2023.

NCAR Collaborators

At NCAR there are numerous research staff who have an interest in interdisciplinary and societally relevant research. This program aims to highlight the depth and breadth of expertise at NCAR. Innovator Program staff can help introduce you to any NCAR researchers interested in collaborations.